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服務及產品 / Services And Products


智禾氣體熟識客戶所急所需, 亦對香港特別行政區地理街道熟識, 於特區內配送實施行與別不同的特別安排。


物流車輛穿梭於各劃定分區内, 車輛將已有訂單和預算訂單裝載各車上, 一旦智禾氣體收到客戶訂貨要求, 便以通訊工具直接通知當區當値車輛。


車輛就近送貨, 盡量符合必有一輛配送車在附近原則, 既環保卻高効益, 務求能夠在每天下午15:30截收當天送達訂單, 於當天收工前送達, 至今能達致當天送達的訂單成功率超過95%。


因香港人煙稠密, 氣體使用者因消防條例所限制, 未能儲存大量氣瓶, 智禾氣體的超級配送服務可天天送和當天送, 服務正合本地用戶適切需要, 客戶不會因供氣接續不上而阻礙工作進度, 絕對能對客戶提供幫助, 絕非業內明天送以至一星期送三天貨所能比。


智禾氣體使用自置氣瓶, 所有氣瓶標準皆遵照香港特別行政區規定選用。 


香港政府對壓縮氣瓶安全管制嚴格, 根據香港法例第295條, 規定高壓氣瓶投入使用必須不可超過最後一次液壓測試日期5年, 即每5年需進行液壓測試, 而智禾氣體則用遵從更嚴格安全標準, 每3年液壓測試一次, 令客戶更放心香港政府對壓縮氣瓶安全管制嚴格, 根據香港法例第295 B條, 規定氣瓶每5年需進行檢查及水壓測試。而智禾氣體則遵從更嚴格安全標準, 大部份氣瓶每3年檢查及水壓測試一次, 令客戶更放心安全可靠使用, 亦是智禾氣體對公民社會承擔的責任。安全可靠使用, 亦是智禾氣體對公民社會承擔的責任。


本公司提供氣瓶租借服務給專貴的客户使用, 而瓶身塗上本公司的標記, 標籤貼紙和刻上HWG三字, 好讓客戶容易辨認。


智禾氣體能因應貴客之需要, 提供特別定制的氣體, 供客人使用。貴客更可以同時間購買志和五金的燒焊工具, 並與氣樽一同送到府上。

現時, 我們是香港唯一一間能每天派出兩部港島區送貨車輛的公司, 比其他同類型的機構更為優秀。



我們聘有經消防處批准可以試驗與檢驗氣瓶的人員, 按法例要求定時對氣瓶作出試驗與檢驗, 絕對安全可靠。



Super logistic service

We know what our customers’ needs. Our logistic teams are familiar with all the streets and buildings in Hong Kong. All the routes of the trucks are well organized and practiced, thus the products can be delivered to the hands of our customers as soon as possible. For all the trucks, we carried extra gases and thus if we receive any orders from the customers before 15:30 hrs, delivery can be done on the same day. Our aim is to supply the products efficiently, effectively and environment friendly. Up to now, the successful rate of delivery is more than 95%.

Since Hong Kong is densely populated, the fire service ordinance and regulation is very strict. Thus, it is rather difficult for the industries to store a considerable amount of gases by their own. To remedy this problem, we provide daily delivery service and we must try the utmost to ensure the works of our customers will not be delayed due to shortage of any gases. This is one of our strongest abilities compared to some other gases supplying companies in Hong Kong as their products can only be conveyed to the consumers one or even three days after receiving the orders.

Safety of gas cylinders

HWG used its own gas cylinders which fulfill all the regulations and ordinances of Hong Kong government.

Hong Kong government has strict regulations about the safety of gas cylinders. According to ordinance and regulation 295 B, all high pressure vessels should be water pressure tested for every five years and must not be used if expired. We, HWG, have a stricter standard which the water pressure test will be carried out for most of the cylinder every three years. Thus, the safety of our customers are guaranteed and HWG is a company which will bear all the necessary social responsibilities.

Customers tailor made services


HWG can provide any types of special gases to our customers. We give what you need! At the same time, you can buy welding equipment from Chi Wo Metal Works and we can bring them together with the gases to your place.


Now, we are the only one gases supplying company in Hong Kong which has the ability to send out two (Hong Kong Island) gases delivering trucks daily.

Simply, this is better than our competitors.​

Gas cylinders lending service

We provide gas cylinders lending services to our honorable customers.


Also, all the gas cylinders have our own labels, markings and cravings for easier classification.

Approved Persons (AP) authorized by the Fire Service Department of Hong Kong Special Administration Region for Examination, Testing and Certification of Gas Cylinders under the Dangerous Goods (General) Regulations

We have the approved person authorized by the Fire Service Department to carry out examination, testing and certification of all our gas cylinders regularly. Safety is the utmost priority for us!

Food grade gases supplier

Our food grade gases supplier and partner are authorized by the People Republic of China. All the gases we supply to our customers are safe and qualified.

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